This legal notice regulates the use of the website, which is made available to Internet users.
The purpose of this website is to provide general and specific information about location, services and other aspects related to the activity.
The user agrees to use the portal and services in accordance with the law, this legal notice, generally accepted good customs and public order.
The installation of links that allow access to websites managed by third parties has the sole purpose of providing users with access to information, content and services available on the Internet. It is impossible for us to assume any responsibility for the information contained, however, we undertake to remove links if we become aware of the existence of illegal content or that violate the rights of third parties.
The information contained in this website may contain typographical errors, inaccuracies and inaccuracies, which will be corrected as soon as they have been detected, without this resulting in a greater responsibility.
Some of the photographs used are downloaded from the web:
The aforementioned website says that “All images and videos on Pixabay are published royalty-free under the Creative Commons CC0 license. You can download, modify, distribute and use them free of charge for any use, even for commercial applications. No attribution is necessary. "
Asociación para el Desarrollo Local Sierra Corisa
CIF: G-34212936
Plaza del Ayuntamiento
34839 - San Cebrián de Mudá
979 605 885
Personal data protection
By virtue of Law 15/99, Organic, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), you are informed that your personal data that you could send us by any means will be part of a file registered with the Spanish Agency for the Protection of Data, whose purpose is the administrative and / or commercial management of the company.
Procedures for access, cancellation, opposition and / or rectification
In relation to your personal data, you are informed that you have the rights of access, cancellation, opposition and rectification, being able to exercise them by indicating in the subject: "Data protection", either by email to, or by postal mail addressed to: Asociación para el Desarrollo Local Sierra Corisa,
Plaza del Ayuntamiento,
34839 - San Cebrián de Mudá (Palencia), indicating in any case the Reference: "Data protection" and accompanying a document that proves your identity, such as a copy of the ID.
You will have the right to know in what state your data is; what type of treatment they are subject to; where they were obtained; modify them if they are considered not correct, or if they are initially so, they no longer reflect the current reality due to having changed it, or even cancel them completely, as long as the latter is allowed by current legislation.
For the exercise of the aforementioned rights, the request addressed to the File Manager must contain the following points:
• Name and surname of the affected person, attaching a photocopy of the DNI (or any other valid document in law in order to identify the applicant). In the case of acting on behalf of someone, or a legal person, a photocopy of the document that accredits such representation.
• Request on which the request is based or substantiated.
• Indication of an address for notification purposes.
• Documents, where appropriate, that prove the basis for the request.
For the sending of said request, any means that can demonstrate the sending and receipt of the request must be used.
Para el envío de dicha solicitud habrá de usarse cualquier medio que pueda demostrar el envío y recepción de la solicitud.
Our website,, does not use cookies so your consent is not necessary to navigate through it. However, it may contain links to third-party websites with privacy policies other than that of that you can decide whether or not to accept when you access them.
However, we offer you information about what cookies are and how to eliminate them in the main browsers.
A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer (computer or mobile device) in order to store data that can be updated and retrieved by the entity responsible for its installation.
The information collected through cookies may include the IP address, date and time of visits to the Website, the pages viewed within the Website, the time it has been on the Website and the sites visited just before and after it. and other browsing data. Thus, cookies allow you to obtain information about your browsing habits.
As we said at the beginning, does not use any type of cookie.
In any case, we inform you of how you can eliminate, block or disable cookies at any time by modifying the configuration of your browser, which will allow you to reject the installation of all cookies or some of them. If you delete all cookies from a website, through your browser, you will also delete the configuration options you have chosen for the cookies on that site (acceptance, rejection or revocation of their use). Below, you can find information on how to manage the use of cookies depending on the browser used:
Internet Explorer:
Microsoft Edge:
We may update the Cookies Policy of our Website. Therefore, we recommend that you review this policy each time you access our Website in order to be properly informed.